JEFFERSON C. GLASSIE                      December 19, 1997

Andrew J. Mohr. Esq.
Cohen & White
1055 Thomas Jefferson Street
Suite 504
Washington, D. C. 20007

Re: American Translators Association

Dear Mr. Mohr:
We represent the American Translators Association ("ATA") and 
have been asked to respond to your correspondence on behalf of 
Dr. Radovan Pletka. While we disagree with the legal contentions 
in your letter, we have been authorized to provide you with the 
followings information relevant to the issues you have presented.
    Please be advised that the ATA Board of Directors at its recent 
meeting voted to expand the Translation Services Directory to include 
listings from all Active, Coresponding, and Associate members of ATA. 
This decision poses a number of practical difficulties, since it 
expands the Directory from some 1400 member listings to approximately 
4600, but ATA has undertaken a review of the implementation steps and 
expects the Directory to include all such member listings. Although 
ATA is not in a position to agree to any dues waiver or abatement, 
ATA will take conforming steps to reflect the Board's decision 
concerning the Directory in its publications and on-line

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jefferson C. Glassie
cc:     Ms. Muriel Jerome-O'Keeffe
    Walter W. Bacak, Jr.
    Jerald A. Jacobs, Esq.